Getting ready for IFRS 16 with Vuealta

With a rapidly approaching deadline of January 2019, the IFRS16 Standard imposes a single lessee accounting model; requiring lessees to ensure a permanent lease inventory, recognise assets and liabilities in their balance sheet, and publish additional disclosures.

To enable organisations to become compliant within the timeframe, the IFRS16 Anaplan app is available for our customer’s in the App Hub.

Tune into a short demo, delivered by Vuealta’s subject-matter expert Adam Bimson, and find out how your organisation can get compliant quickly, with:

  • An app that is ready to use and already compliant with the new standard.
  • The ability to quickly evaluate the initial impact of IFRS16 and asses transition options.
  • An app that is easy be customise with no new technical environment required.
Watch the on-demand webinar