A banking leader’s guide to strategic workforce blueprinting
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Achieving success at your bank means mastering cost management and streamlining your operational model. According to McKinsey, only 15% of banks are expected to achieve both long-term profitability and growth. What differentiates those who will emerge on top and those who will struggle to survive? Innovation, meticulous planning, and unparalleled customer service.
Leading banks are transitioning from reactive hiring to a strategic workforce blueprinting approach – and they’re doing it quickly. Learn how you can:
Drive sustainable growth: Align headcount and skills with top-line strategies, optimizing hiring, talent mobility, development, and cost-effective alternatives like contractors.
Enhance your efficiency: Gain a comprehensive view of talent demand and supply, redundancies, and skills across multiple lines of business, to maximize productivity and reduce costs.
Increase customer satisfaction: Accurately forecast demand and labor capacity across various channels, including call centers, branches, and online banking, to improve your NPS/CSAT.