Forrester Total Economic Impact of Anaplan
A snapshot of the business benefits enabled by the Anaplan platform
Today, the most successful enterprises are no longer a collection of isolated, autonomous silos. Instead, they’re unifying people, data, and plans across the enterprise with Connected Planning to enable real-time decision-making and to adapt rapidly to change.
Through several Anaplan customer interviews across finance, sales, supply chain, HR, and IT, Forrester calculated financial impacts attributed to Anaplan and revealed why top companies are turning to its platform to meet their business goals.
Download the TEI infographic to see a snapshot of the key findings of the commissioned Forrester Consulting study, including:
- The business benefits enabled by the Anaplan platform over a three-year period, resulting in triple-digit returns for customers
- Anaplan’s quantifiable financial impacts at-a glance across supply chain, sales, finance, IT, and HR
- The additional benefits realized by Anaplan customers including increased accuracy, data consistency, and process efficiency
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