Navigating the evolution from chief financial officer to chief value officer



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As a Chief Financial Officer (CFO), you're well versed in delegating and managing multiple projects at once. Lately, the traditional role of the CFO is undergoing a profound transformation, expanding beyond the confines of financial stewardship to encompass a broader, more strategic dimension of value creation. But what does this evolution entail, and how can embracing it not only elevate your career but also the trajectory of your organization?  

Let's explore why today's CFO is increasingly adopting the role of a Chief Value Officer (CVO), data in a joint report from BDO Global and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) that supports this notion, and how this shift is redefining success in the finance sector. 

A paradigm shift 

The role of the CFO is no longer just about numbers, compliance, and balance sheets. It’s evolving into something more holistic, encompassing the creation, management, and communication of value across all facets of the organization. This transformation is not merely a change in title but signifies a fundamental shift in responsibilities and mindset towards what constitutes “value” in today’s business landscape. 

In the past, the primary focus of a CFO was on financial stewardship, ensuring that the company's financial statements were accurate and that it complied with regulatory requirements. Today, however, the scope of the CFO's role has expanded significantly. “CFOs are increasingly acting as strategic leaders and advisers in their organisations” says Helen Brand, chief executive of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).  

The modern CFO is expected to be a strategic partner to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO), offering insights that drive business strategy and operational efficiency and play a key role in shaping the company’s future. The evolving CFO position now encompasses a broader range of responsibilities and qualifications, reflecting its increasing importance in firms of various sizes and the value it brings as an investment in expertise. With the CFO role moving significantly away from a traditional view yet retaining its core responsibilities, “there’s a real opportunity for [CFOs] to satisfy the value agenda and evolve for the next generation of CFOs,” said Brand. 

Catalysts behind this change 

According to ACCA and BDO Global, there are several forces driving the CFOs metamorphosis into a CVO: 

Stakeholder capitalism

There's an increasing acknowledgment that companies need to address the needs and interests of a broad range of stakeholders, including their workforce, customers, local communities, and the environment, alongside those of their shareholders. Consequently, CFOs are tasked with grasping and predicting market dynamics to guide strategic planning effectively. This responsibility demands from them an understanding not solely of financial matters but of the extensive business ecosystem in which their organization functions.

In this context, financial planning becomes crucial as CFOs oversee FP&A functions, manage financial risks, and make recommendations based on fiscal insights and industry knowledge to fulfill stakeholder needs. 

Digital transformation

The digital revolution has unlocked new metrics for value creation. CFOs must now oversee technology integration into their companies’ financial operations, ensuring that they leverage data analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and other digital tools to improve decision-making and operational efficiency. This requires CFOs to have a blend of financial acumen and technological savvy, as well as the ability to lead cross-functional teams in implementing new systems and processes.  

Effective financial management is pivotal as CFOs rely on software for core financial reporting, audit, compliance capabilities, and integrated systems for FP&A, treasury, and corporate portfolio management and modeling to analyze data, make informed decisions, and focus on strategic advisory roles. 

Global challenges‍

Issues like climate change, supply chain, social inequality, and public health have underscored the need for businesses to adopt a value-centric approach that balances profit with purpose. As a result, CFOs are increasingly involved in initiatives related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors, which are becoming critical components of a company’s value proposition. This involves not only tracking and reporting on ESG-related metrics but also integrating these considerations into the company’s strategic planning and investment decisions.  

Additionally, CFOs face regulatory challenges, especially in adhering to compliance and governance standards set by entities like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), emphasizing the importance of following generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) adopted by the SEC and regulations such as the Sarbanes-Oxley Act

The skills and financial planning strategies of the modern CFO

It’s clear that for CFOs to thrive in this new era, they must equip themselves with a blend of financial acumen and forward-thinking skills such as: ‍

  • Strategic leadership abilities: Beyond managing finances, CFOs must drive strategic initiatives that enhance organizational value and competitiveness. This includes analyzing financial data to support strategic decision-making and advising on the company's financial direction.

  • Data and technology mastery: Proficiency in data analytics and digital tools is crucial for generating actionable insights and fostering innovation. A deep understanding of financial analysis is essential for leveraging technology to its fullest potential.

  • Effective stakeholder engagement: Successful communication and collaboration with a broad set of stakeholders are essential for aligning interests and promoting shared value. As the role evolves into that of a Chief Value Officer (CVO), managing and communicating the value of intellectual capital, in addition to financial metrics, becomes increasingly important.

Anaplan: Your partner in the financial evolution

Part of embracing the role of a CVO is developing and mastering your data and technology skills. CFOs/CVOs need technology that’s easy to use, easy to learn, configurable, and with additional data readily available in order for their team to reduce accounting errors by 75%. CFO’s need a financial close, consolidation and reporting cloud software that brings these four dimensions to life through fast adoption times, configurable templates and dashboards that fit your specific processes and workflows, and an implementation time that’s measured in weeks, not months. It’s through simplifying these complex processes that Anaplan enables CVOs to focus on strategy, value creation, and leading their organization into the future.

Chief value officer: The future finance leader

As organizations navigate the complexities of modern finance, the CVO emerges as a pivotal figure, championing the integration of financial excellence with ethical, strategic, and societal considerations. This includes a critical focus on managing cash flow and analyzing the company's financial position to ensure financial health and stability.  

Future finance leaders are then called upon to embrace this expanded role of the CFO, driving their organizations toward sustainable success and societal contribution by analyzing the company's financial strengths and weaknesses, leveraging financial data for strategic decision-making, and guiding finance directors and their teams in the creation and analysis of financial reports. 

Remember that the evolution from CFO to CVO is not just about adopting new responsibilities — it's about leading with purpose, leveraging modernized technology, and making a lasting impact on your organization. Embrace the shift! 

Ready to elevate your role from CFO to CVO? Discover how Anaplan can help you lead the way.